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Daddy's Ministry of Encouragement

Ministry of Encouragement Message for June, 2023 No. 237

The year of 2023 is now half gone. Mercy goodness, how fast time is going past us and it seems to go faster each and every year as we get older. In years past, June was the time when we would catch June bugs, tie a string on one of the bug’s legs and watch it fly all around us. June was the month when the June apple tree out in the back yard would produce those sweet and golden yellow apples which were so good to dry to make fried pies with. June was the time when the gardens were all up and growing and the fruit jars were all washed to be ready to be filled with all of the garden’s bountiful supply.

Growing up, there was no such thing as a freezer to store food in, it had to be in a glass fruit jar or we would go to the local cannery at the high school and can the good vegetables in tin cans. All of this was a hot and tiring job, but it was well worth the effort put forth. Today, I often think about if this younger generation of today had to do the things we had to do in our day, they would

not have a clue on where to begin. First, they would not know what a fruit jar was to be used for, they would laugh at the old pressure cooker or the cold-packer thinking, “What on earth do you do with those things.” Today’s younger

generation would have no idea as to what a hoe was used for and they would think that the fertilizer, guano, was some type of cereal. Today’s generation would have no idea on how to string green beans or how to shell peas, shuck and silk

corn and how to pick blackberries to make jam. It is a fact, today’s younger generation would literally starve to death because of the lack of common sense and how to provide for themselves and not to be totally dependent on running to

the grocery store to get what is needed.

In the Book of Genesis Chapter 2, Verse 8, the Word says, “And the Lord planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed.” Now, I want you to notice, “and ,there He put man.” I believe that God put Adam there with a purpose, to show the importance of a garden to mankind. Now, God could have put Adam any such place as He desired, but God chose a garden because God knew that a garden was life sustaining. Now, I don’t know what all God planted in this first garden but I’m sure this garden produced like no other garden would ever produce for mankind. This thought brings to my mind our daughter, Janet Crow, who lives in Quinwood, W.Va. on the top of a mountain. I know that there are thousands who follow Janet’s Facebook page, “Janet’s Appalachian Kitchen” where she displays her cooking skills and mouth- watering dishes. She has written seven great cookbooks and her publishers are after her to do at least one more. Janet has a skill for gardening in her back yard and canning has become her passion in life. This past summer, she canned, canned and canned some more until the Mason jar maker probably had to work an extra shift to produce enough jars to meet her demand. Her garden reminds me of Psalm 72:l6, “There shall be a handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains;” Janet has hundreds of jars of her canned goods and it blesses me to know that she is today carrying on the tradition of her two grandmothers, Polly and Ethel. Of course, Elaine and I are always thrilled when she gives us some pickles, chow-chow, strawberry jam and other home canned goodies. There is one thing for sure, our daughter Janet has the know-how when it comes to cooking and canning and raising a good garden filled with everything that can be eaten. Going hungry is never a worry for her. Romans 2:2, tells us, “And be ye not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Today, I am so burdened when I look and see how so many folks are conforming to the ways of this old sinful world. Folks today are not renewing and refreshing their minds with those things that are good and acceptable to the will of God. Sin is running rampant, so many of our churches are looking more and more like the world, being willing to compromise with the things of the world in order to

try to look good to the eyes of man and the real problem is not seeking what the will of the Almighty God is for them.

Today, families are not close like they once were because family members don’t have the time or are unwilling to take the time to visit one another, love one another and to pray for one another. Today, the old home place no longer looks

like it used to because time has made a change. Today, I want to encourage each of you to let the month of June be a time of refreshing, make you some bread and butter pickles and enjoy life and be sure to find you a little spot and plant

you a garden and remember Psalm 81:10, “I am the Lord thy God, open thy mouth wide and I shall fill it.”

Rev. Don Rackley – Ministry of Encouragement



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